WiFi Sensors
QC systems

Precision pHT-100   +/-0.001 pH and temperature meter
IR-12 modulated source
VGRM-200 Vacuum Gage Reader for Kurt J Lesker tubes

and more soon to be released...

Chemled’s μ-Servers are self-contained ARM9 computers connected to WLAN / LAN and can be accessed by Wi-Fi 802.11 wireless technology. The powerful architecture of this computer hosts html WebPages for setting up a connection with the network, performing necessary data acquisition, and storing data in the embedded FLASH memory. In some versions our μ-Servers can stream data directly to the client applications residing in the “Cloud”. Once the μ-Server is powered up, it searches and connects with the designated wireless access point and then is ready to use like any Internet website. Please contact us for the list of our Wi-Fi 802.11 physical sensors. 

Our pH&T-100 WLAN 802.11 µ-Server can be deployed in to the field to monitor chemical process over the Internet.

Here is another example of instrument setup web-page implemented as the control panel of of 500W solar simulator.

In above example the graph shows solar exposure (top) during a cloudy day and the battery charging voltage (bottom).
Data were streamed from the remote sensor over the Internet and captured by client application.